To provide financial assistance to Micro, Small & Medium scale industries within its jurisdiction covering the North Eastern States of Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur and Tripura.
About us:
The Assam Financial Corporation was established as a Joint State Financial Corporation under Section 3(A) of the SFC’s Act 1951 way back in 1954 covering the erstwhile-undivided Assam with two union territories of Manipur and Tripura and operating in this North-East Region for more than five decades. As the premier Financial Institution(F.I.) in the North-East Region, it has a wide out reach at the grass root level compared to other Financial Institutions(FIs) and Banks.
Sources of Capital and Operating Fund
Share Capital from participating State Govts. and SIDBI |
Borrowings by way of Refinance from SIDBI |
Market Borrowings by way of SLR Bonds |
Ad-hoc Borrowings from RBI |
Recovery of Loans and Advances |